Groove Into The Woods

Sat 2 October, 10:30

Groove Baby create exciting, inspiring and engaging concerts for people young and older.

Come and experience a new kind of family concert which include storytelling, interaction and action songs for the little ones and great music for everyone!


“A true delight in innovation and musical expertise.”


Date: Fri 24 June 2021

Start Time: 20:00 (Doors Open 19:00)

Length: TBC

Venue: This event is performed live at Grand Junction, St Mary Magdalene’s, W2

Covid-19 Update 

Summer Sessions performances have gone on sale at 50% of Grand Junction’s full capacity to allow for social-distancing between groups (a minimum of one metre). Up to four people from different households are permitted to be seated together indoors. 

We will update you as government guidance changes – this could mean that we offer the event with reduced social distancing. Click here to view further Covid-safety information. 



Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage

This project is funded by the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage. The Culture Recovery Fund is being delivered by The National Lottery Heritage Fund and Historic England, using funds provided by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport